Newborn | Meet Baby Emerson

Baby Emerson-7521

Welcome to the world Emerson Pace Hood!  Born July 28th, 2011.  She is just about as precious as they come.  Despite, a few diaper changes and some feeding time, we had a successful session.  It was a blast getting to photograph such a wonderful little person.  Enjoy!


Ummm….I can’t hear you anymore, Mom!

“See…I know how to be quiet.”





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Comments (9)

She is beautiful!!! These pictures are awesome….what a great looking family.

Ryan these are so good! Kimberly – she is SUCH a doll!!!! Can’t wait to meet her!

WOW, what great picture!! And what a beautiful baby. She is absolutely precious!!!!!!

A-DORABLE! She looks so sweet! Congratulations on such a beautiful girl!

I love her!! She is beautiful! I love the pic of you kissing her on the back. I love her outfits, where did you find them? lol Love you guys! Great pics!!!

Kimberly & Chris…you did a great job creating that little angel. Good stuff!

What a cutie!! Can’t wait to meet the new little princess.

Kim…….it has been way too many years since you have been in Kalamazoo!!!….I am so glad your mom and dad have kept us abreast of your life…..your little girl is soo very precious and beautiful…..enjoy each moment!! love tom and maryann

[…] a difference a few months make!  When I first met Emerson as a newborn, I knew she would be cute…but at 3 months old she is just so expressive and full […]

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